THZ-XJ-F type

The THz camera is made of antenna-coupled GaN/AlGaN high-mobility transistor mixing technology,  which can perform THz video imaging at room temperature. The camera comes with a detachable lens  set, including a four-inch Teflon lens and a two-inch TPX lens. The THZ-XJ-F series THz camera is a THz focal plane imaging camera based on antenna enhanced  GaN/AlGaN high electron mobility field transistors and third-generation semiconductor material (GaN)  technology.The camera achieves detection sensitivity on the order of nW at room temperature, and the  noise-equivalent power is better than 100pW/Hz1/2.The camera provides real-time THz video imaging with  16-bit raw data and a frame rate of 50fps.

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Product Details

Application Field : 

1.THz nondestructive testing

2.THz beam and light field analysis 

3.Human security imaging 

4.Surveillance and spatial imaging 

5.Food safety inspection 

6.Quality inspection and process control

Imaging Effect


Characteristic Curve


Parameter Index
